Building a strong foundation for the next generation
Please specify what the payment is for in the donation description field
YBH of Passaic is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Every yeshiva relies on the financial support of its friends and donors, YBH counts on this financial support as well.
There are many ways that your donation can can help support YBH. Donations can be earmarked for general purposes, the scholarship fund, or towards a dedication in our building. You can make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one or as a celebration of a milestone event in your own life or in the life of one of the students.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss other types of donations, such as bequests, endowments, planned giving arrangements, or special areas of interest with regard to the new campus, academic programming, or extra-curricular activities.
Donations can be made securely online by clicking on the link below. Additionally, donations can be made in cash, by check, or by the transfer of stock. For more information, please contact Joyce Davis by email at [email protected] or by phone at (973) 777-0735 Ext 134
Thank you for your support!