Rabbi Perlstein
Associate Menahel
Rabbi Binyomin Perlstein is a seasoned mechanech and administrator who joined YBH in 2001 as a rebbe and has been serving as a member of the YBH administration since 2007. He directly oversees the Limudei Kodesh Boys Division as well as the heads of Special Services, ECD, Nursing, and Special Programming and collaborates with our school psychologist Dr. Sharona Benoff. His responsibilities also include curriculum development for the Limudei Kodesh Boys Division, coordination and oversight of the rebbeim.
Rabbi Perlstein is an alumnus of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, has a teaching certification by Mercaz Center for Teacher Training and is a graduate of the Yesud Ma’aloh Principal’s Fellowship Program of Torah Umesorah. He has also worked as an educational consultant in the Torah Umesorah Brooklyn Teacher’s Center – mentoring and guiding rebbeim, as well as facilitating networking sessions.